Viet cong ambush tactics pdf

American military tactics vs vietcongs tactics prezi. In order to combat bettersupplied american and south vietnamese forces during the vietnam war, communist guerrilla troops known as viet cong dug tens of thousands of miles of tunnels, including. It is interesting to note that the operations during the viet cong winterspring offensive of 1965 parallel those of the viet minh in 1954. The viet cong were also famous for their extensive use of tunnels and traps. This article was originally published on, march 27, 2015. Neither reinforcements nor effective firepower can be brought in. Having experience on fighting communist guerrillas in the jungles of southeast asia, they were able to chase the viet cong without exposing themselves to lethal ambushed like the americans. It was all bare earth and surrounded by landmines, and we were caught in the middle of a viet cong ambush. Because of the combinedaction platoons proximity to the 76 parameters. This time the viet cong succeeded and the cidg company suffered heavy losses. The viet cong and the north vietnamese peoples army of vietnam pavn used wellorganized logistics methods to supply and equip their fighting forces. Ospreys study of the evolving us, viet cong and nva tactics at battalion level and below throughout the vietnam war 19551975. The viet cong department of defense literally translated, the phrase viet cong vc means vietnamese communist, and those who are viet cong employ the whole communist arsenal of deceit and violence.

Forces are between 25 meters to a maximum of 100 meters. The fighting tactics used by the viet cong during the vietnam war were. Guerrilla warambush, booby traps, hit and run, underground tunnels, blending in with population, using terrain, etc. During my time in viet nam the ambush was the major form of operations used in my area.

What is going on is the assumption of responsibility by the south vietnamese for all aspects of the war, accompanied by the orderly but not precipitous disengagement of u. The viet cong received military advisors and weapons from china in 1950, which the chinese versions of the russian ak47 were frequently used throughout the war. Even if your knowledge of the vietnam war comes exclusively from hollywood films and texan textbooks that only refer to. They were also in fear of ambushes from the vietcong or north vietnamese army since that was how they fought. Ambushes on key transportation routes are a hallmark of guerrilla operations, causing both economic and political disruption. The us forces relied on high technology weaponry and massive firepower, particularly air strikes and carpet bombing of vietcong bases.

Contrasting tactics of us and vietcong forces teaching. What they could do is hamper the americans ability to pursue them. A government soldier who deserted to the viet cong, bringing several weapons and stolen documents with him. Civic action played an important role in efforts to destroy the viet cong, as it acquired important intelligence about enemy activity from the local population.

Military strategy and technology during the vietnam war. Viet minh, viet cong and nva the viet cong were the south vietnamese communists, and considered a political movement for the people. The us and the rvn republic of vietnam were against the southernbased revolutionary movement known as the viet cong. The ambush patrol was honed to a fine art in ranger school and i was well prepared for this kind of warfare. The war was the second of two major conflicts that was spread all throughout indochina. As this is being written, early in 1970, the socalled viet namization process is well under way in south viet nam. What tactics did the vietcong use against the us and s.

These tunnels allowed them to disappear at any time and remain hidden as long as they need. Allied and nvavc tactics allied and north vietnamese viet cong doctrine showed marked and significant differences in the approaches taken by either side when faced with decisions regarding unit tactics on the battlefield. As this is being written, early in 1970, the socalled vietnamization process is well under way in south vietnam. President johnson ordered the bombing of strategic military targets in north vietnam, including air raids on the capital city, hanoi, and bases and supply routes for the vietcong. This book reveals the evolving us, viet cong and nva tactics at battalion level and below throughout the vietnam war. In 1965 the north vietnamese communists again launched a campaign designed to cut viet nam in two and to defeat the army of vietnam arvn in open warfare. By the time i left the typical day would find my company broken down into five man ambush patrols. They were originally trained by chinese guerrillas. The real ambush that inspired a scene from platoon. The thing that made it different in viet nam other than the real bullets was the fact that we did it day and night. Elements of the 66th north vietnamese regiment moving east toward plei mei encounter and ambush an american battalion.

They based their strategies and tactics on those used by mao zedongthe communist leader in china. Search and destroy this involved sending in the infantry soldiers to search out viet cong guerrillas and destroy them. Sursumkorda in memoriam rocket being launched by a member of the viet cong against a helicopter bell huey a company of assault aeromobil. From the forces of the viet cong and nva and the american, south vietnamese, australian and other free world forces, the wars that ravaged indochina throughout the second half of the 20th century can be recreated with ambush valley.

As of 27 july 2007, some 542 field manuals were in use. What is going on is the assumption of responsibility by the south vietnamese for all aspects of the war, accompanied by the orderly but not precipitous disengagement of. The viet cong were well supplied with weapons and equipment from china and the ussr, but heavily outnumbered and outgunned by the south vietnamese forces and their us allies. As the alert company approached the ambush site it was stopped by a roadblock and met heavy 82mm mor tar fire which destroyed the lead vehicle and. Belt grabbing or hugging tactics stay close to the enemy while in combat so the enemy cannot call in air strikes or artillery support without doing harm to his own forces. Us special forces ambushing a vietcong patrol combat art. Tactics and objectives during the tet offensive author. Tactics wise, the primarily domainant tactics that the viet cong used was to conduct hit and run attacks against small, isolated groups of u. Most people would probably think that a soldier on an ambush in a real war would have trouble falling asleep.

All available ma teriel, manufactured or locally produced, friend ly or enemy, is used to their best advantage. An ambush is a longestablished military tactic in which combatants take advantage of concealment and the element of surprise to attack unsuspecting enemy combatants from concealed positions, such as among dense underbrush or behind hilltops. Beginning with a description of the terrain, climate and the unique nature of operations in this theater of war, author gordon rottman, a vietnam veteran himself, goes on to explain how unit organization was broken down by combatant forces and the impact this had on. They contain detailed information and howtos for procedures important to soldiers serving in the field. A list of viet cong heroes drawn up by an american. Vietcong strategy of terror 22 empirical studies of conflict. Therefore, the leader ho chi minh turned to using guerrilla warfare.

Nov 14, 2016 contrary to popular belief, neither the north vietnamese army nor viet cong guerrillas could match the u. Fm 3115 operations against irregular forces 19610531 the text discusses the nature of irregular forces comprised of organized guerrilla units and underground elements, and their supporters. The viet cong know how to use mines and they use them effectively. Oct 22, 20 the effective of the search and clear tactics were proved in many operations such as operation pinnaroo where only 5 australians were killed compared to 40 of the viet cong, or operation hammersley where the ratio of death between australian and vietcong was 5. United states army field manuals are published by the united states armys army publishing directorate. The vietcong relied on hit and run tactics and were able to improvise solutions to the problem of lack of supplies. The effective of the search and clear tactics were proved in many operations such as operation pinnaroo where only 5 australians were killed compared to 40 of the viet cong, or operation hammersley where the ratio of death between australian and vietcong was 5. They based their strategies and tactics on those that were used by mao zedong,the communist leader in china. Vietcong strategy of terror 22 empirical studies of. Background the war in vietnam lasted from the mid 1950s 1975. Ambushes have been used consistently throughout history, from ancient to modern warfare. Nlf and pavn battle tactics comprised a flexible mix of guerrilla and conventional warfare battle tactics used by the main force of the peoples liberation armed forces known as the national liberation front or viet cong in the west and the nva peoples armyvietnam to defeat their u.

The vietcongs tactics and technology in the vietnam war. Besides patrolling, cordon and search operations were carried out to isolate and search the viet cong in civilians areas so as to separate them from the. The author analyzes and classifies the strategy and tactics of the viet cong vc according to a typology that includes he following, t. The contrast between the two sides in the vietnam war could hardly have been greater. One of the fighting tactics used by the viet cong was. S troops, which involved firing at the troops from. Vietnam, formerly called indochlna or annam, is located on the.

Communist national group in vietnam, fought against the french in the 1950s. Careful advance planning is required for operations, indicated here by vc preparation of the withdrawal. Along with an unknown number of traps set by the viet cong, they also made over 75 miles worth of tunnels underground. How effective were the guerrilla tactics of the viet cong. This logistics organization helped greatly in their war against the american and south vietnamese military during the vietnam war the viet congs fulltime soldiers were referred to as the main force chu luc. The present study deals with the political activities of viet cong and north vietnamese forces among the population in saigon and its environs during the tet offensive of february 1968, and with some of the popular reactions to viet cong behavior at this. A schoolboy who secretly spread the teachings of ho chi minh among his classmates. The ho chi minh trail was a network of paths that served as hidden route through the jungle for viet cong soldiers and vietnamese civilians. The viet cong s fulltime soldiers were referred to as the main force chu luc.

Contrary to popular belief, neither the north vietnamese army nor viet cong guerrillas could match the u. Beginning with a description of the terrain, climate and the unique nature of operations in this theatre of war, the author, a vietnam veteran himself, goes on to explain how unit organisation was broken down by combatant forces and the impact this had on the kind of tactics. Viet cong forces have developed a high degree of expertise in the use of mines and boobytraps in their own familiar environment. They are usually available to the public at low cost or free electronically.

In the early part of my tour company and platoon operations were the norm. By mid1954 the viet minh had nearly 160,000 regulars and perhaps an equal number of militia. One of the fighting tactics used by the viet cong was answers. The viet cong, or national front for the liberation of south vietnam, supported the replacement of president ngo dinh diem. The viet cong used it to move troops, weapons and other supplies into and around the country without being detected by the americans. In this lesson, you will learn about the resistance fighters known as the vietcong, and explore the role that they played in the vietnam war and the reunification of north and south vietnam. In order to combat bettersupplied american and south vietnamese forces during the vietnam war, communist guerrilla troops known as viet cong dug tens of.

In 2003, after the fall of baghdad and following the. Like the later viet cong, the viet minh grew from a modest startbut they became larger and much more formidable than the viet cong are today. The national liberation front nlf was a united front designed to encourage noncommunists to support the insurgency in the south. This section of will be used to examine the tactical doctrine of the various combatants in relation to. Orders of battle, scenarios and special theaterspecific rules give players an immersive experience of gaming in. Tactics of the vietnam war revision linkedin slideshare. The story of a marine grunt in the first battle of khe sanh april 1967 duration. The present study deals with the political activities of viet cong and north vietnamese forces among the population in saigon and its environs during the tet offensive of february 1968, and with some of the popular reactions to viet cong behavior at t. The term nva identifies regular troops of the north vietnamese army as they were commonly known by their western opponents. Guerrilla warfare tactics in urban environments a thesis presented to the faculty of the us army command and general staff college in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree master of military art and science general studies by patrick d. The viet cong were a guerrilla army, meaning that the people fighting for them are not proper soldiers. The vietcong were masters of what is known as guerrilla warfare or guerrilla tactics during the conflict in vietnam. Employment techniques include the use of mines and boobytraps in defensive and offen sive tactics. Counterinsurgency lessons from vietnam and other small wars 5a.

Jun 21, 2011 ospreys study of the evolving us, viet cong and nva tactics at battalion level and below throughout the vietnam war 19551975. S, defending the viet cong despite having a high level of advantage due to their technology compared to the north vietnamese, the us was outsmarted by low tech weapons from the north vietnamese. Such tactics as encirclement, ambush, and surprise. When fighting ends that night, 60 percent of the americans were casualties, and almost one of every three soldiers in the battalion had been killed. In the 20th century, an ambush might involve thousands of. These guerilla tactics, bombs and traps were extremely successful as the americans were constantly in fear of stepping on bombs or traps, or activating an enemy tripwire. Guerrilla tactics in december 1965, ho chi minh and the north vietnamese leadership ordered a change in a way the war in the south was to be fought. It may be release to the ctoerlnghouie, department of commerce, tar tele to the genera public. On learn ing of this ambush, the cidg company on alert at an khe was dispatched to its relief. Symon wrote this article based on his interview with a former viet cong soldier, nguyen hoa giai, during the vietnam war. Beginning with a description of the terrain, climate and the unique nature of operations in this theater of war, author gordon rottman, a vietnam veteran himself, goes on to explain how unit organization was broken down by combatant forces and the impact this. The viet cong had many tactics which they used against the us and arvn troops in the vietnam war, however these tactics were not those that you would expect to be used in a war. Tacticswise, the primarily domainant tactics that the viet cong used was to conduct hit and run attacks against small, isolated groups of u.

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